Alternatively, you can install wamp server to install PHP , MySQL , and Apache. Besides full installation , you can install php extensions on an existing. I have un- commented it in php.
PHP and were already installed and running on my server. I had written a simple connection script in PHP that .
One possible cause for this, is that an previous installation of PHP existed in your computer, and . Nginx) installation and I get the error. A Step by step tutorial to set up separate containers for PHP and MySQL and running. I also want to have PHP extensions installed for MySQL , docker provides. In order to use MySQLi on the console, we need to ensure that we have the PHP CLI and mysql driver extension installed : sudo apt-get -y install php7.
MySQLi Extension ( MySQL Improved) is a relational database driver used in the PHP programming language to provide an interface with . Without more information I can only describe general causes: php7. NinjaFirewall works with 7.
PHP did not drop support for Mysqli. Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.