With min - width , styles START and continue forever as long as min - width is met, and no max - width is specified. Max - width is the maximum width at which a style will continue to be applied. After that, the style will STOP being applied. Have to be ordered from largest to smallest to work properly, regular styles first).
Media Queries min - width VS max-width for. In css min - width is the minimum width of an element where the css you have define applies to the least width of your screen which you have defined.
While max - width is the maximum width given to the element for which you want the css to work till its max size defined. If you create a media feature. What are css media queries? For example, when the . I spent my night listening to music on speakers and procrastinating writing this thing about the difference between width and max - width.
That breaks max - width rule, so forces element down to 600px. Sets or retrieves the maximum width for an element. The min - width CSS property is used to set the minimum width of a given element. These breakpoints are mostly based on minimum viewport widths and allow us to .